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Palliative Care: Myths vs. Facts

  1. Myth: Palliative care hastens death.  Fact: Palliative care does not hasten death. It provides comfort and the best quality of life from diagnosis of an advanced illness until end of life.

  2. Myth:Palliative care is only for people dying of cancer. Fact: Palliative care can benefit patients and their families from the time of diagnosis of any illness that may shorten life.

  3. Myth: Palliative care is only provided in a hospital. Fact:Palliative care can be provided wherever the patient lives: home, long-term care facility, hospice or hospital. 

  4. Myth:Taking pain medications in palliative care leads to addiction.  Fact: Keeping people comfortable often requires increased doses of pain medication. This is a result of tolerance to medication as the body adjusts, not addiction. 

  5. Myth:Palliative care means my doctor has given up and there is no hope for me. Fact: Palliative care ensures the best quality of life for those who have been diagnosed with an advanced illness. The last myth is a big pet peeve of mine. I have heard people comment, “If your doctor mentions palliative care, then get a new doctor.” They think this means the doctor has given up on them, but this is flat out incorrect. If a doctor recommends palliative care, then you have a progressive doctor seeking to treat the whole person and ultimately, their loved ones. That is the kind of forward-thinking doctor I'd want for myself. This type of care treats pain, depression, shortness of breath, fatigue, constipation, nausea, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, anxiety and any other symptoms that may be causing distress. The doctor will help you gain the strength to carry on with daily life and improve your quality of life. Nikki’s first visit with her palliative care doctor was amazing! He sat and listened to her for a very long time, asked many questions and listened to her answers. He then formulated a plan specifically for her and gave her the tools she needed to move forward. When she felt better, physically and mentally, she wasn't a cancer patient, she was just Nikki... For more information on palliative care, click HERE (scroll to the end) and HERE. Post by Rhonda Miles

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